Welcome to the new Mix-Ready Website!

Mix-Ready DAW mixing template GetGood Drums Nu Metal Metalcore Modern Spiritbox Loathe Tallah Mastering Free Plugins Drum Samples Cubase Studio One Reaper FL Studio Logic Ableton

GGD One Kit Wonder "Nu Metal" Template

Sale price€22,50Regular price €30,00
Mix-Ready Knocked Loose Songwriting Template GetGood Drums GGD OKW Brutal Drum Sound Guitar Tone Hardcore Metalcore Thall Mixing Neural DSP

Songwriting Template "Knocked Loose"

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
Mix-Ready Reaper Songwriting Template Mixing DAW Pop Punk GGD GetGodd Drums Tutorial Mastering ML Sound Lab Rock Metal Metalcore

Songwriting Template "Pizza Kit" | Reaper

Sale price€45,00Regular price €75,00
Songwriting Template "Hardcore" | Studio One

Songwriting Template "Hardcore" | Studio One

Sale price€45,00Regular price €75,00
Mix-Ready FL Studio DAW Mixing Template Pop Punk Rock Metal Djent GGD GetGood Drums Nolly Tutorial Neural DSP

Songwriting Template "Big Riggs" | FL Studio

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
Mix-Ready DAW template songwriting metal hardcore metalcore Djent Thall Will Putney GGD Invasion GetGood Drums Logic Pro X

Songwriting Template "Hardcore" | Logic Pro X

Sale price€45,00Regular price €75,00
Songwriting Template "Big Riggs" | Studio One

Songwriting Template "Big Riggs" | Studio One

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
Mix-Ready Periphery DAW Songwriting Template Mixing Nolly PV Wildfire Matt Halpern Signature GGD Getgood Drums Neural DSP for Cubase, Reaper, Studio One, Logic Pro X, FL Studio, Ableton

Songwriting Template "Periphery" | GGD PV

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
Mix-Ready GGD GetGood Drums Songwriting Template blink-182 State Champs Neck Deep The Story So Far Mixing Drum Sound Cubase Logic Pro X Studio One Reaper DAW

Songwriting Template "GGD Pop Punk"

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
Mix-Ready Hostage DAW Songwriting Template Metal Thrash Hardcore Metalcore Djent Mixing GGD GetGood Drums Neural DSP Cubase Studio One Reaper Logic Pro X Ableton Mastering

Songwriting Template "Hostage" | GGD Invasion

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
GGD 'Benny Greb Kit'

GGD 'Benny Greb Kit'

Sale price€22,49Regular price €29,99
Songwriting Template "Pizza Kit" | Studio One

Songwriting Template "Pizza Kit" | Studio One

Sale price€45,00Regular price €75,00
Mix-Ready Logic Pro X DAW Mixing Template Pop Punk Rock Metal Djent GGD GetGood Drums Nolly Tutorial Neural DSP

Songwriting Template "Big Riggs" | Logic Pro X

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
GGD One Kit Wonder "Dry and Funky" Template | Stock Plugins only

GGD One Kit Wonder "Dry and Funky" Template | Stock Plugins only

Sale price€14,99Regular price €19,99
Mix-Ready DAW Songwriting Template Architects Mixing Drum Sound Metalcore Modern Metal GGD GetGood Drums

Songwriting Template "Architects"

Sale price€56,25Regular price €75,00
GGD Modern & Massive + Invasion "Zombie Kit"

GGD Modern & Massive + Invasion "Zombie Kit"

Sale price€22,49Regular price €29,99
Mix-Ready DAW mixing template GetGood Drums Architects Metal Metalcore Modern Mastering Free Plugins Drum Samples Cubase Studio One Reaper FL Studio Logic Ableton

GGD One Kit Wonder "Architects" Template | Free Plugins only

Sale price€14,99Regular price €19,99
Mix-Ready DAW template Logic Pro X GetGood Drums, GGD, Neural DSP, mixing, mastering, rock, metal, djent, tutorial

Songwriting Template "Nameless" | Logic Pro X

Sale price€52,50Regular price €70,00
Songwriting Template "Nameless" | Cubase

Songwriting Template "Nameless" | Cubase

Sale price€52,50Regular price €70,00
GGD One Kit Wonder "Classic Rock" Template | Free Plugins only

GGD One Kit Wonder "Classic Rock" Template | Free Plugins only

Sale price€14,99Regular price €19,99