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Works with Neural DSP Archetype Nolly and Nolly X !

Sound Demos


25 Mix-Ready presets for Neural DSP Archetype: Nolly X

  • Cleans, low gain, high gain, ambient tones and special sounds for lush soundscapes
  • Includes a list of the pickups that I used while creating the presets and sound demos - so you know if a preset works best with single coils or mid focused humbuckers
  • Easy to use and no additional processing required

This is a collection of 25 Mix-Ready presets for the powerful Archytpe: Nolly X amp sim by Neural DSP. I created those presets while continuously working with that amp sim and a variety of bands, guitars and pickups. You will find a PDF file included, where I mention the guitar pickups that were used for each preset and sound demo.

There are presets for pristine Cleans and ambient sounds, low gain crunch tones that are great for Rock and Pop Punk, high gain presets for down tuned Metal and also some interesting FX tones that make good use of the built-in Pedal effects.


You need:

Tone Pack | Neural DSP Archetype: Nolly X